User Guide | Building Custom SQL Queries

A guide to customising the SQL statements used by flexi auth functions to return database data.

Building Custom SQL Queries

Customising SQL Statements Index | Querying SQL Results | Defining Custom SQL Statements

Functions that Utilise CodeIgniters Active Record Class

Many of the functions in the flexi auth library that perform CRUD operations to the libraries database tables allow for custom SQL statements to be returned or defined when running the query.

The custom SQL statements can be defined for applicable functions using one of two available methods, either via the Query Builder functions listed below, or via submitting an SQL formatted string or array directly to a functions corresponding 'sql_select' or 'sql_where' parameter.

The examples below explain how to set custom SQL statements using flexi auth functions that utilise CodeIgniters Active Record class.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

How it Works

When many functions are called, they make multiple SQL queries to prepare data required for the final output of the function.

If a CodeIgniter Active Record function like $this->db->where('x', 'y') was called just before the flexi auth function, the defined WHERE statement would not necessarily be applied by CodeIgniter to the correct SQL query made by the flexi auth function. Instead it may be applied to one of the queries preparing data.

To ensure that the custom SQL statement is applied to the correct query, flexi auth stores any SQL statements defined via its Query Builder functions, and applies them just prior to making the SQL query that returns the functions final output.



Defines the table columns to be returned by the SQL SELECT statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Name and Parameters
sql_select(columns, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
columns string | array Yes FALSE Sets the table columns to be returned by the SQL SELECT statement.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL SELECT statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

// This example sets the SQL SELECT statement using an array.
// Read the defining SQL documentation for further information on setting SQL statements.

$sql_select = array(



// Produces:
// SELECT `example_column_1`, `example_column_2` 
// FROM (`user_accounts`)


Defines the table column and comparision value to be used by the SQL WHERE statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Names and Parameters
sql_where(columns, value, overwrite_existing)
sql_or_where(columns, value, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
column string | array Yes FALSE Sets the table column to be used by the SQL WHERE statement.
value string | int No FALSE Sets the value to be compared against the defined table column used by the SQL WHERE statement.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL WHERE statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

// This example sets the SQL WHERE statement using arrays.
// Read the defining SQL documentation for further information on setting SQL statements.

$sql_where = array(
	'example_column_1' => 'example-value-1'

$sql_or_where = array(
	'example_column_2' => 'example-value-2'


// Produces:
// SELECT * 
// FROM (`user_accounts`) 
// WHERE `example_column_1` = 'example-value-1' 
// 	OR `example_column_2` = 'example-value-2'


Defines the table column and comparision values to be used by the SQL WHERE IN statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Names and Parameters
sql_where_in(column, value, overwrite_existing)
sql_or_where_in(column, value, overwrite_existing)
sql_where_not_in(column, value, overwrite_existing)
sql_or_where_not_in(column, value, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
column string Yes FALSE Sets the table column to be used by the SQL WHERE IN statement.
value string | int | array No FALSE Sets the value to be compared against the defined table column used by the SQL WHERE IN statement.
Multiple values can be set in SQL IN statement by using a comma delimited string or an array.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL WHERE statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

// This example sets the SQL WHERE statement using strings and arrays.

// SQL WHERE IN (Set as an array)
$sql_where_in = array(
$this->flexi_auth->sql_where_in('example_column_1', $sql_where_in);

// SQL OR WHERE IN (Set as an array)
$sql_or_where_in = array(
$this->flexi_auth->sql_or_where_in('example_column_2', $sql_or_where_in);

// SQL WHERE NOT IN (Set as a string)
$sql_where_not_in = 'example-value-3a';
$this->flexi_auth->sql_where_not_in('example_column_3', $sql_where_not_in);

// SQL OR WHERE NOT IN (Set as a string)
$sql_or_where_not_in = 'example-value-4a, example-value-4b';
$this->flexi_auth->sql_or_where_not_in('example_column_4', $sql_or_where_not_in);


// Produces:
// FROM (`user_accounts`)
// WHERE `example_column_1` IN ('example-value-1a') 
// 	OR `example_column_2` IN ('example-value-2a', 'example-value-2b', 'example-value-2c') 
// 	AND `example_column_3` NOT IN ('example-value-3a') 
// 	OR `example_column_4` NOT IN ('example-value-4a, example-value-4b') 


Defines the table column and comparision values to be used by the SQL WHERE LIKE statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Names and Parameters
sql_like(column, value, wildcard_position)
sql_or_like(column, value, wildcard_position)
sql_not_like(column, value, wildcard_position)
sql_or_not_like(column, value, wildcard_position)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
column string | array Yes FALSE Sets the table column to be used by the SQL WHERE LIKE statement.
value string | int No FALSE Sets the value to be compared against the defined table column used by the SQL WHERE LIKE statement.
wildcard_position string No 'BOTH' Defines the type of LIKE statement that should be set.
The options are: 'BEFORE', 'AFTER' and 'BOTH'.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL WHERE statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

// SQL LIKE with the wildcard positioned on both sides.
$this->flexi_auth->sql_like('example_column_1', 'example-value-1');

// SQL OR LIKE with the wildcard positioned at the start.
$this->flexi_auth->sql_or_like('example_column_2', 'example-value-2', 'before');

// SQL NOT LIKE the wildcard positioned at the end
$this->flexi_auth->sql_not_like('example_column_3', 'example-value-3', 'after');

// SQL OR NOT LIKE with the wildcard positioned on both sides
$this->flexi_auth->sql_or_not_like('example_column_4', 'example-value-4', 'both');


// Produces:
// FROM (`user_accounts`)
// WHERE  `example_column_1`  LIKE '%example-value-1%'
// 	OR  `example_column_2`  LIKE '%example-value-2'
// 	AND  `example_column_3` NOT LIKE 'example-value-3%'
// 	OR  `example_column_4` NOT LIKE '%example-value-4%'


Defines the table name and join relationship between the to-be-joined tables used by the SQL JOIN statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Name and Parameters
sql_join(column, join_on, join_type, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
column string Yes FALSE Sets the table that is to be joined by the SQL JOIN statement.
join_on string Yes FALSE Sets the two table columns to be used by the SQL JOIN statement.
join_type string No FALSE Defines the type of join that should be set.
Options are: 'LEFT', 'RIGHT', 'OUTER', 'INNER', 'LEFT OUTER', and 'RIGHT OUTER'.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL JOIN statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

// SQL JOIN table name.
$sql_join = 'example_table_2';

// SQL JOIN condition.
$sql_join_on = 'example_table_1.example_column_1 = example_table_2.example_column_1';

$this->flexi_auth->sql_join($sql_join, $sql_join_on);


// Produces:
// FROM (`example_table_1`)
// 	JOIN `example_table_2` ON `example_table_1`.`example_column_1` = `example_table_2`.`example_column_1`


Defines the table column and sort direction used by the SQL ORDER BY statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Name and Parameters
sql_order_by(column, sort_direction, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
column string Yes FALSE Sets the columns for the SQL ORDER BY statement to sort the returned data by.
sort_direction string No FALSE Defines what direction to sort the return data by.
Options are: 'ASC' and 'DESC'.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL ORDER BY statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

$this->flexi_auth->sql_order_by('example_column_1', 'DESC');


// Produces:
// FROM (`user_accounts`)
// ORDER BY `example_column_1` DESC


Defines the table column used by the SQL GROUP BY statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Name and Parameters
sql_group_by(columns, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
columns string | array Yes FALSE column or string
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL GROUP BY statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.



// Produces:
// FROM (`user_accounts`)
// GROUP BY `example_column_1`


Defines the limit value and offset value used by the SQL LIMIT statement.

Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.

Function Name and Parameters
sql_limit(limit, offset, overwrite_existing)
Name Data Type Required Default Description
limit int Yes FALSE Sets the limit value of SQL LIMIT statement.
offset int Yes FALSE Sets the offset value of SQL LIMIT statement.
overwrite_existing bool No FALSE Defines whether to overwrite any SQL LIMIT statements that have already been set.

Check the user guide of a specific function to confirm whether it is compatible with this SQL function.

$this->flexi_auth->sql_limit(10, 2);


// Produces:
// FROM (`user_accounts`)
// LIMIT 2, 10

Clear SQL statements

Clears any custom user defined SQL Active Record functions.

Function Names
Library Requirements

Available via the lite and standard libraries.
