User Guide | Getting Shipping Session Data

When the flexi cart library is first loaded, an array is automatically created that is setup to match the carts default settings, this data is then stored in the browsers session. All items and settings that are then later added and altered within the cart are updated to the carts session data.

The data within the carts session can then be accessed and in many cases, formatted and customised using the large range of functions that are available from the lite and standard libraries.

Get Shipping Session Data

Shipping Function Index | Shipping Config | Get Shipping Helper Data | Set Shipping Session Data | Shipping Admin Data


Returns the current shipping option id.

Library and Requirements

Available via the lite, standard and admin libraries.

Does not require any database tables to be enabled.

Return Values



Note: The returned example values below are displaying live data from the current cart session data.
shipping_id() What is the id of the current shipping option? 1


Returns the current shipping option name.

Library and Requirements

Available via the lite, standard and admin libraries.

Does not require any database tables to be enabled.

Return Values



Note: The returned example values below are displaying live data from the current cart session data.
shipping_name() What is the name of the current shipping option? UK Standard Shipping


Returns the current shipping option description.

Library and Requirements

Available via the lite, standard and admin libraries.

Does not require any database tables to be enabled.

Return Values



Note: The returned example values below are displaying live data from the current cart session data.
shipping_description() What is the description of the current shipping option? 2-3 Days