Admin Library | Cart Configuration

Many of the features of flexi cart can be controlled via a series of configuration settings, that can define how specific internal functions perform automatic operations to data within the cart.

The configuration of the cart can be set either via the hand coded configuration file located on the server, or via the configuration database table.

By defining configuration settings via the database, they can be edited without requiring access to the server.

Manage Cart Configuration

Manage Cart Defaults


Note: Click the input labels for further information on each config setting.

  • Set a prefix value to the cart order number.
    Example: Order # = "12345", Preffix = "Flexi", Formatted Order # = "Flexi12345"
  • Set a suffix value to the cart order number.
    Example: Order # = "12345", Suffix = "Flexi", Formatted Order # = "12345Flexi"
  • Should the cart order number be incremented from the last order number, or should it be a randomly generated number?
  • What is the minimum order value?
    This value can then be checked against a particular summary column.
Quantities / Stock
  • How many decimals are acceptable for items quantities?
    Typically, this should be zero, however, some situations may require half quantities that would be entered into the cart as '0.5', this would require 1 decimal.
  • Should an items quantity be incremented when an identical duplicate is added to the cart?
    If not, the new quantity will be used.
  • Should the maximum quantity of cart items be limited to the databases item stock quantity?
  • Should out-of-stock items be automatically removed from the cart?
  • Should stock quantities be automatically updated and managed by flexi cart?
    When an order is confirmed, items within the cart that are also in the 'item_stock' table will have their stock deducted.
    Likewise, if items within an order are cancelled, they will be auto restocked into the 'item_stock' table.
  • If an item is not permitted to be shipped to the current shipping location, yet the user still completes the order, should the item details be saved to the database?
  • Should all duplicate cart items be added as a new separate row in the cart?
    If not the existing item will be updated.
  • Set the default weight to display item weights as.
  • Set the default number of decimals points to display item weights by.
  • Should item prices be displayed including tax by default?
  • Do item prices typically include tax when added to the cart?
Reward Points / Vouchers
  • Should reward points be based on the internal value of an item, or should it be based on the items current tax rate based price?
    Example: An item is added to the cart costing £20 including 20% tax, the user then ships to a 10% tax zone, so the item now costs £18.33.
    i.e. Remove 20% tax: £20 / 20% = £16.67, then add 10% tax: £16.67 * 10% = £18.33,
    Should the reward points be based on the dynamic tax variable price, or the initial internal £20 price? 'Checked' = dynamic, 'Non Checked' = Internal.
  • How many reward points are awarded per 1.00 currency unit of an items price?
    Example: A multiplier of 10 is (10 x £1.00) = 10 reward points. Therefore, an item priced at £100 would be worth 1000 reward points.
  • How much is each reward point worth as a currency value when converted to a reward voucher?
    Example: If 250 reward points were converted using a multiplier of £0.01 per point, the reward voucher would be worth £2.50 (250 x 0.01).
  • How many reward points are required to create 1 reward voucher?
    A ratio of 250 means for every 250 reward points, 1 voucher worth 250 points can be created, this voucher is then worth a defined currency value.
    A customer with 500 reward points could create either 1 voucher of 500 points, or 2 vouchers with 250 points each.
    A customer creating a voucher with 525 reward points, would only be able to convert and use 500 points, the remaining 25 remain as active reward points.
  • Once an item order has been set as 'Completed' (i.e. shipped to customer), after how many days should reward points earnt from the item become active?
    The idea of this option is to prevent a customer from placing an order soley to earn reward points, then purchasing a second order using a reward voucher earnt from the first order. The customer could then return the first order for a refund, but the reward points earnt from it have already been used to purchase the second order at a cheaper price.
    The number of days set should reflect the stores return policy, for example, if items cannot be returned after 14 days, the reward points should only become active after 14 days.
    Note: Reward points only become active x days after the order has been set by an admin as 'Completed', not x days after the order was first received.
  • How many days are reward points valid for?
    Example: 365 = 365 days (1 year).
  • How many days are reward vouchers valid for?
    Example: 365 = 365 days (1 year).
Custom Statuses Three individual custom cart statuses can be set to affect whether discounts become active.
The custom statuses can contain any string or integer values, if the value then matches the the custom status of a discount, then provided all other discount conditions are also matched, the discount is activated.

Update Cart Configuration

Note: For the purposes of this demo, when the cart configuration is updated, the cart contents and all settings are destroyed, so that the new config settings can be set.