Admin Library | Discount Item Groups

As flexi cart leaves the design of the sites item and attribute database tables up to the developer, it is not possible to directly relate a discount to specific item categories or other attributes. To have done so would have restricted the flexibility of the sites database design.

Instead, flexi cart provides a feature that allows items to be grouped together, the discount can then be applied to all items within that group.

The method of grouping items together is again up to the developer, however, flexi cart provides a function than can create a complex SQL WHERE statement that can be applied to the developers custom SELECT statement, the returned items can then be added to the discount item group.

Insert New Items to Discount Item Group

Manage Discount Item Groups | Manage Discount Item Group

Insert Items to Note: The demo contains 5 demo items with the ids: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, with demo category ids of 1 and 2. See more item details
Operator Filter Column Filter Match Method Filter Value Copy / Remove
Insert Item Method: